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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/17 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I have the clam conversion kit, got it at Christmas so haven't used it a ton yet, but I've been pretty happy with it so far! I took it out to Whitefish yesterday and managed without an extension, but barely lol. I'll need to order one I think. I usually bring out the manual handle with me, just in case, and that would give me extra depth as well.
  2. 1 point
    I got three girls at home 6, 9, 11 that would probably be interested in writing something for a contest
  3. 1 point
    A lot of foks are concerned with the potential for Lamprey to reach Lake Nipigon and here is my take on it. I'll start with this simple thought: Lamprey were documented in Lake Superior as early as 1938. The dam was introduced on the Black Sturgeon River in 1959. 20+ years the lamprey had free run of the BSR without a barrier or treatment and yet there are no lamprey documented further north and up into L. Nipigon. I highly doubt the lamprey could even survive to make it L. Nipigon in the first place. They would have to literally grow legs to make it up past BS Lake. (Go for a tour to the north end of BS lake if you don't believe me) As for the treatment of Lamprey, yes they would (and could) treat the BSR further in the case of the dam being removed.
  4. 1 point
    Here is my setup, currently the sonar puck is for my 12 foot boat transom not my canoe, but I can change it to the skimmer transducer quick enough. The silver clamp is for clamping truck box caps on pickups and I added a piece of snowmobile slider material to the screw clamp. The sonar pictured is mounted to a quick clamp from CTC which I can use on a boat or canoe. This one is what I use for portaging my small boat or canoe, or my bud's scanoe into small lakes and rivers. It releases quickly and gets put into a cooler along with the bait, days catch, etc. I put a shoulder harness on the cooler to portage it also to allow my hands to be free to carry other stuff or move sticks, branches out of the way.
  5. 1 point
    I'd be interested in putting some faces to names and meeting some like minded individuals whilst supporting a marriage to be!
  6. 1 point
    Well we have our 1st kid in the contest. Anymore out there? How about other members with kids?
  7. -1 points
    Well I was thinking my Saturday was bad, but now I'm thinking I made out like a champ. That is one bad day gsambray.