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  1. 1 point
    I have been into all of them many times, I will get back to you shortly on locations for campsites, reefs and shoals, water depths, etc.
  2. 1 point
    You were right arvey. I am sure by now that members reading this thread know we have at least 3 anti's in some form and possibly an internet troll on this fishing and hunting forum. I would just advise the membership here to ignore the comments of anti's in whatever form they appear. Everyone's fishing and hunting heritage and rights are continuously being threatened by conservation/environmental groups and other individuals, not just mine. Just ask Dr. Google. Some say this bait issue should not concern us. It should. Some can speak/write like a flowing gown in a breeze. It does not change the fact that our sport is under attack and has been for some time. This attack many may remember came from anti hunting and anti fishing organizations. It was defeated. Incomplete and vague with a serious trojan horse. http://www.keepcanadafishing.com/animal-rights-bill-threatened-canadians-way-of-life/ This link is the latest threat we avoided in BC from an environmental group who will try to use their strategy template for all other regions in Canada including the Great Lakes. http://www.keepcanadafishing.com/statement-by-mp-zimmer-regarding-minister-leblancs-pncima-announcement/ It seems like once again hunters and anglers are being targeted and made the victims of radical anti-hunting and anti-fishing agenda supporters. If hunters and anglers do not stand up for their rights and privileges we could see the day that hunting and fishing may be outlawed in Canada. It will not happen at once but in little steps.http://www.merrittherald.com/could-hunting-be-outlawed-in-canada/ Do not underestimate the intentions and agendas of conservation, and environmental groups and their supporters in sheep's clothing. They are very good at hiding their true goals. As I have said before this is just the start of a complete live bait ban in Ontario. I wonder how many anglers not involved in fishing forums even know this is going on or being put forward as policy by outside groups. I have had the pleasure to have lived in Nanaimo and Abbotsford for many years and have enjoyed fishing the Fraser River and up the coast to the Queen Charlotte Islands and areas in between with my wife of 45 years. Walleye and Bass fishing is skinny and one must travel the whole province to find it. I'm sorry if I come off or sound angry as j. klister states. He/she/it/troll pops in here from time to time and got it right on the older part. Again, I consider any conservation/environmental group or individual to be anti if their agenda, intentions or actions contribute to the closure, cancellation or restriction of any part of the sport of fishing no matter which way they frame it or come at the issue. I would just advise the membership here to ignore the comments of anti's in whatever form they appear. www.keepcanadafishing.com
  3. 1 point
    I mostly try to keep my posts to sharing information, pointing people to resources, and clarifying misinformation. I do my best to keep my opinions out of my posts (not always successful, but, hey...I'm human).
  4. 1 point
    What the hell does attacking my character in the first place have to do with live bait. It's past history I spoke the truth about , but your right your not worth the fight . All I see is an arrogant clown who figures the only opinion that matters is that of his or people like him and everybody else should stay quiet. Oh and by the way there's lots here in TBay i'd like to see changed but your right there's core of people that don't and i'm not one of them so your off base on that one.
  5. 1 point
    I think you only speak truth in the trumpian sense of truth, lol. I am not offended by you. More sad for you, actually, that you could be so angry and misinformed. I don't think I'm the best commenter on here, I would put Mad Scientist as the top commenter actually, and pastor norm as one of the people in the top 2 or 3. But don't hold anything against them due to your dislike of me. It's true that I don't really know you, I just base my opinion on the way you comment on things on here, and it doesn't paint the picture of a sane, rational individual, at least not to me (especially your completely off topic rant about Quebec, what the hell does that have to do with live bait?). In fact, in the case of both you and Mr. Bobber, I think of you as the caricature of the classic angry old Thunder Bay guy that complains about everything, and exudes attitudes that stand in the way of my home town ever being known for anything but crappy things (I don't live there anymore, and I've stopped defending it as a nice place to people, for a number of reasons that I won't get into. I do love the fishing there, hope it always stays the way it is). But, as you say, you do have the balls to say whatever to who ever. And I congratulate you for it, I'm sure in your own mind it's a great personality characteristic to have, just like Mr Bobber's "never compromise". I'm sure that's been a good financial decision for him, in the cost to maintain ex-wives department. In real life, the classic angry old Thunder Bay guy would now puff up his chest and say "oh yeah, come over here and say that to me, buddy". And I would walk away, thinking this sad old man is not worth the fight. And that is what you and Mr. Bobber are to anyone who is reasonable in this kinds of debates: not worth the fight. To bring this back to the topic of live bait, it's like I've said before: even with these rules fully implemented Ontario will still have the LEAST restriction on the use of live bait of anywhere in Canada. Think about that for a second. I don't think that means there is a victory anywhere for the anti-fishing or anti-hunting crowd. To me, its rather shows the strength of the pro-fishing, pro-hunting lobby, that even when this province changes the rules around this, it's STILL the least restrictive regime anywhere. And anybody who knows anything about ecological risk management knows the regime we have now of basically catch anything anywhere, move it where ever you want, is completely insane given that Ontario probably has the most risk of invasive aquatics anywhere, given the fraction of the province that's connected directly to great lakes watersheds, which are connected to many other watersheds further south in the US that contain innumerable species that none of us want anywhere near our waters. We can use still barbed trebles (many places single barbless only, one hook per lure), lead sinkers and jigs (many places this is banned, have you seen the cost of the tungsten alternatives), other organic bait allowed mostly without restriction (many places no worms, no leeches, nothing), and even after this we can still use live bait, just have to keep a receipt for 2 weeks and keep a log if you trap your own. Oh the horror!