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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/17 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I have been using braided line for trolling for quite a number of years. We mostly troll using bottom bouncers and when they get snagged up in...... whatever, using the braid usually gets them free. This statement from the article: " Braided line is ideal for heavy cover situations and slices through weed like a hot knife through butter." is mostly true, but some weeds it will not cut through and they just bunch up on the bouncer. From the bouncer to the lure we run mono or fluoro. We have 2 ft. to 4 ft. leaders with a swivel on one end and a snap swivel on the other end made up, and attach worm harnesses or whatever we choose to use onto those leaders so we can lengthen the distance behind the bouncer, or change up our presentations quickly if one of us starts getting fish on a particular color of spinner or lure being used. The worm harnesses we make up ourselves and they are about 2 ft. long.
  2. 1 point
    Made another trip to the lake on Sunday with a group of buddies. Lake is in great shape, mostly trucks and quads and side by sides out there. Seemed like moving day as many huts were making their way out. We caught many fish and lost a lot of fish at the hole. Every year I see the same fishing reports. Fishing was slow, not many fish. Don’t fish the crowds, find different spots. Fish uncharted waters. Believe me your success rates will increase dramatically. I am looking forward to testing out some new water soon.