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Todays hunt

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Got up this am around 6 and laid there wondering what todays trip into the bush would hold. As i garhered my cold weather gear I looked at the forcast on my phone, -23 not to bad I thought as I went to my gun cabinet. I picked out old faithfull and went to select what rounds I would use on a cold day. Picked up my partner and filled up the truck, skidoo and the gerry can. With the warm coffee in hand I looked and saw the temp droping on my truck display -34 it said but we kept on. After the hour and a bit highway drive we turned off onto the road. As we drive down we kept pearing into the trees. The edges of clear cuts and around the poplar and birch stands. After about 20km in BOOM first sighting! That ole hare was flying! He crossed the road infront of is and nestled himself back into the thick Junk. I put the clip in the gun and off I went to chase down my dinner. As I got into the woods on his trail I brought up my scope and started to glass the trees. Then I saw it, a beedy black eye right in my cross hairs. He blinked twice and as luck be for that rabbit I had no round chambered. So I racked one in and flassed again only to see nothing but brush. My co pilot who was sitting and watchin all this told me the hare made the great escape! So on we pushed. Looking at every spot possible that would hold such a majestic creature. Then to my suprise I saw a vast area of hare tracks. I stoped and looked around and around and then I saw him. The beast and I locked eyes. This time I knew what I had to do. I placed my clip in the gun. Slowly racked the shell and waited. They hare never moved. I closed he gap and took aim. My heart was pumping and I had to control my breathing and waited for the right moment. CAAAARACK went that 22mag and that rabbit spun around and piled up into the trees. Snow flyin everywhere. I let out a shout of victory and walked the 50 yards or so into the trees to claim my beast. After that we saw nothing and tonight I will dine on my game and anticipate the next trip to the trap line!

Sorry a little long winded but how do ya make a hare hunt an exciting report? Lol.

Grumpas' Baits

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Very good Jay!

You know they are looking for writers for the upcoming magazine?



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