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NWO Fishing Bum

Ice Fishing THIS WEEKEND!!

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NWO Fishing Bum

Satellite imagery now shows Whitefish iced-over. A layer of ice was apparent yesterday, and the cold temps and lack of wind last night have thickened the sheet. With clear skies and overnight lows dipping to the minus-teens for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 3-4" of ice should be almost certain.

Further north (up the Armstrong Hwy), temperatures remained below zero through most of last week, while the moderating factor of Lake Superior kept temps in the city around +4-+5. The result again is a thin layer of ice on any non-moving/non-glacial spillway for all but the deepest, largest lakes up there. And with next-to-no snow in the bush, the ability to drive right to lakeside is available. I know some who will certainly be headed that direction on the weekend.

Other lakes to the south and west of the city have just started to ice-over or will no doubt do so later this week, but in contrast will not likely be ready for foot-traffic this weekend, the exception, as mentioned above, being Whitefish because of it's shallow depth allowing for a relatively quicker turnover and subsequent freezing process.

First ice eyes, for those adventurous/dumb enough people can be very rewarding, particularly in comparison to mid-winter production.

Be careful out there, and wear a floater jacket or at least a life jacket with less than 4". Don't go alone and bring a good rope! Yee-haw...

NWO Fishing Bum

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Where do ya get the satellite images from that show whitefish is iced over?



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NWO Fishing Bum

Coastwatch is just one of many sources. Coastwatch is part of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) whom operate several land sensing satellites. Fall is typically a tough time to get cloud-free imagery, thus sensors with a high temporal resolution (i.e., collect multiple images of the same location daily) are often required to get an image during our typically short periods of clear sky at this time of year.

Dean, by training, I'm a remote sensing scientist (i.e., satellite image analysis/research), which affords me the right of availability to several image sources, as well as knowledge of where to find accessible up-to-date imagery quickly. I also have the ability to interpret radar imagery, which is much more difficult than interpreting optical satellite imagery, and radar has the ability to 'see through cloud' due to it's much longer wavelength.

Unfortunately, this snow is actually bad for ice fishing possibilities in the coming days, as the snow will insulate the ice, inhibiting it from thickening as quickly as would be the case without snow cover. And of course it's tougher to see cracks, weaker areas, wet spots, etc. when covered with snow.

NWO Fishing Bum

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I was wondering how you could see that whitefish was ice covered. I have been checking the NOAA site and it's images show total cloud cover since nov 4. Can't see anything in those images. I hope this year is better than last, had snow early so lots of slush on the lakes. The forcast says clear and cold for the next couple days so hopefully get some good ice forming.

Are there any other sites out there for getting satellite images?



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I drove from Thunder Bay to Dryden on Tuesday - many of the small lakes were partially covered with ice, the larger ones only had fringe ice and the big ones were ice free.

Those that appeared frozen over were deceptive. Some looked iced over in the morning but with different light conditions in the late afternoon you could see open areas and lots of open water on the windward shores.

I know first ice walleye fishing is fantastic. I can't wait to get out there myself. (Roger let's plan on getting out in a week or two.)

Mahumba, Tinman and I have started out on 4" of hard ice and scared ourselves silly when when the hand auger went through on two revelutions. 4" is the minimum recommended thickness, but two inches will hold a man, not sure for how long but it will hold you.

I want to read posts about great fishing experiances, not a near drowning.

Why not call to a couple of the resorts and find out when it iced up for sure. Most of the Whitefish Resorts are in the phone book.

Good luck and stay safe!


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