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Lost and Found at Batwing Lake

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I was out at Batwing Lake on the weekend and I found someones garbage from the May long weekend. It looks like a bear got the best of it.

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Attached was a note that some other campers had left for the CO's to find. The note has the persons name and phone number on it and I will pass this info over to the MNR.

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These are just a portion of the bags we picked up.

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In spite of the mess, the fish seemed to be biting.


Team NOSA Homepage


Born to Fish, Forced to Work


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Guest TerryK

Exellent job Tracker.

For some reason, people who bag their garbage then leave it for the bears thing that this practice is not called littering. Unfuggin' real.

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Although it makes me sick, this isn't surprising. I live in a newer subdivision in town, and behind us is still undeveloped. It's also a lnadfill ofr a lot of people. I can't believe some of the stuff people just dump anywhere they want. I've found compound mitre saw boxes, patio furniture boxes, even a dresser.

The real kicker is when someone throws a garbage bag full of grass clippings or leaves out there. It's not going to compost in the bag you tools!!!!

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Guest segabo

show their info. they deserve it. any CO would have looked through it and found them anyways :P

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this sort of thing peaves me off too.here's something that might make people like this think twice.a heffty fine 1000 to 1500,no driver licience or fishing and hunting licience untill the fine is paid.


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Guest Big Moose

A good old fashion public stoning would do wonders aswell.

I would also like to see their info aswell it would help in dishing out an asskicking,Ofcourse we may have to go back to basics and rubb their face in it.

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I think it was the party spot because we also picked up beer bottles scattered all over the place. I think that I will start recording license plate numbers of other campers when I am out for the weekend.

A few years ago, we were at the same lake and the only ones there besides us were a group of teens camping out of their minivan and had no means of cooking besides a fire, no bug spray etc... I brought over my chain saw and cut some wood for them and gave them some bug spray, pik coil for their tent. The next day a co worker came for the day fishing and parked beside my motorhome. We left early and the teens were the only ones left. When my co worker came off the lake a few hours later, his driver window was smashed and his contents of his truck was taken. The teens were gone. This would have been a good time to have the plate number. Another life lesson.


Team NOSA Homepage


Born to Fish, Forced to Work


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I know all about asshole teen campers, about 4-5 years ago i was out at dog lake for the maylong week end, on the second day of the trip we noticed a car load or two of some teens pull in, they had nothing at all to camp with, just their cars, anyways later on that night a me and some of the guys i was with were goin site to site havin beers with all the folks we ahd met the night before, on our way around we saw the site these teens were at so we decided to stop in and check things out, and by this time it is late and im holdin on to buddys to keep my balance, seemed to me that all they had alot more stuff then when they showed up,anyways all that bullshit aside we were all standing around shootin the poopy poop i was doin the old teeter totter when some young prick decided he'd throw some gas on the fire, well the gas went right through the fire and onto my jeans, my buddies quickly through me on the ground and ripped off my jeans. it ws too late though my legs were pretty badly burnt so my buddies called for an ambulance. three mmonths later i was out of the hospital, and i never did get an appology or anything the guy suppsedly fled te scene that night, cause my buddies were ready to kill of course, but it still bugs me to this day when i see teens in the bush with out some one responsible with them. Don't get me wrong not all teens are like this but it seems underage teens and camping do not mix.

whether its hurting someone polluting our forests or stealing someone's belongings something seems to always go wrong. (my two cents, i was bored!)

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Guest farrell

I am a 18 year old teen and i spend a fair amount of my time in the bush and camping, i do agree with what u are saying about people being irresponsible and not respecting nature. But don't stereotype all teens as disrespectful idiots, it is not right that "teens" get labeled as pricks because of a few punks. However i do agree with taking down information such as license plates just in case these bad situations occur, but i think this applies to all ages as i have seen fully grown men over the age of 40 being completely irresponsible in the bush.


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i'm also 18 and i dont think its really fair to blame all teenagers. Me and my friends are always in the bush fishing or camping and we never cause problems or do anyhting stupid..mayb a little loud sometimes but who isnt? i think taking down plate numbers is a good idea and next time im camping or fishing il do it myself, im sure that it will make me feel a bit better about leaving my car/equipment somewhere. It's not just teenagers that can do dumb stuff, it can be anyone so lets not jus point fingers at the teenagers. Im not saying that teenagers arent dumb, but not all are. Next time something happens, dont jus figure it was teenagers...it could have bin but it might not of.

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